


Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4 pm.

Please call before visiting us to ensure staff availability.

Located in midtown Anchorage, the Anchorage Learning Center (ALC) is on the second floor of the Northwest Building at 4241 B Street, Suite 203.  We have a great view of Cuddy Park and the Chugach mountains.

The ALC is available to all our local homeschool families. Samples of curriculum can be found in a nook at the learning center.  We have a post-secondary corner that offers information to those exploring options after high school. In our play area, we have toys, coloring pages, and LEGOs to occupy kiddos while at the learning center. There is also an area that displays free curriculum and books. If you have any new or lightly used curriculum that you no longer need, bring it to our office and we can share it with other families.

PACE’s 3D printer is housed at the ALC. Students who are taking a 3D design course and live in the area can watch their finished products be printed. Students have also joined by video to watch the process. It is an exciting tool available to our students!

You are always welcome to stop by the Learning Center if you want to pick up curriculum, have questions answered or just to say hi and maybe have a coffee and visit with us. Just give us a call first to make sure a staff member is available to help.

Anchorage Learning Center
4241 B Street, Suite 203
Anchorage, AK 99503

Toll Free: 866-864-5491 Option 1
Fax: 907-677-9664

Anchorage Homeschool Staff

The Anchorage Learning Center currently has four staff members. Kimberly McMillan and Mikal Sparkman are our contact teachers; Emily Norris is our Administrative Assistant; and Bobbie Duerksen is our SPED Coordinator.

Kimberly McMillan

Contact Teacher
ext. 5003

Emily Norris

Administrative Assistant
ext. 5001

Mikal Sparkman

  Contact Teacher
ext 5004

Bobbie Duerksen

SPED Coordinator
ext 5002


The ALC has a workshop, activity, or field trip almost every month during the school year. The events have ranged from visits to the Musk Ox Farm, to Paint Nights, to Fall Crafts at the learning center. It is fun to get together with families to catch up on not only academics, but also all the fun they are having outside of school.

Anchorage businesses with homeschoolers in mind!

*If you know of other resources, please let us know so we can add them to this list! Want to know what else is out there for homeschoolers in Anchorage? Check out*: Anchorage Homeschooler’s Network on Facebook. If you have other resources you use, please share with us.

October Outing to Firestation #1 in Downtown Anchorage= So much learning!

The October Flyer: Watch for meet-up flyers in your email several times per semester!
What’s in all those compartments?
Those oxygen tanks are pretty big and heavy!
Here is where all of the hoses are kept. Only the engine trucks carry water!
Getting ready to go into an emergency situation requires special gear!
The firepole looks fun, but that’s a long way down!
That’s a lot of kitchen to keep clean!
This special screen tells firefighters what emergencies are happening in Anchorage.
Where do firefighters sleep?
These sharp tools get people out of tight spots. 
It’s a beautiful day for a cookout on the roof patio outside the kitchen!
When it’s movie night at the firehouse…where is your favorite chair?